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1. Term & Conditions of Use
Welcome to WikiJobs! These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) apply to your use and use of the WikiJobs website (the “Site”) and any connected services, features, or material provided by WikiJobs (“Services”). By accessing or using the Site or Services, you agree to be bound by the Terms. If you do not accept these Terms, you may not access or use the Site or Services.
1. User Registration 1.1. Accessing certain features of the Site or Services may require you to create an account. When you register, you promise to submit accurate, current, and complete information about yourself as requested by the registration form, as well as to maintain and quickly update this information to ensure that it remains accurate, current, and complete.
1.2. You are responsible for keeping your account credentials secure and for any activities that take place under your account. You undertake to alert WikiJobs promptly if there is any unauthorised use of your account or any other security violation.
2. Use of the Site and Services
2.1. You agree to use the Site and Services solely for authorised purposes and in accordance with these Terms. You may not use the Site or Services in any way that may damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Site, or interfere with another party’s use and enjoyment of the Site or Services.
2.2. You undertake not to engage in any abusive, harassing, threatening, defamatory, obscene, or otherwise objectionable behaviour, or to infringe or violate the rights of any third party.
2.3. You may not use the Site or Services to send unsolicited advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or other forms of solicitation.
3. Content.
3.1. You understand that all content made accessible through the Site or Services (“Content”), including but not limited to text, graphics, pictures, audio, video, software, and other materials, is solely the responsibility of the entity from whom such Content originated.
3.2. You agree that you will not reproduce, edit, distribute, display, perform, or otherwise use any Content in violation of the Content owner’s rights or applicable law.
4. Privacy 4.1. We value your privacy. Please see our Privacy Policy for details on how we collect, utilise, and share your personal information.
5. Termination.
5.1. WikiJobs has the right to stop or terminate your use of the Site or Services at any time, with or without cause, and without notice or responsibility.
6. Disclaimer of Warranties.
6.1. The Site and Services are provided “as is” and “as available”, with no explicit or implied warranties. WikiJobs disclaims all express and implied warranties, including but not limited to merchantability, suitability for a specific purpose, and non-infringement.
7. Limitations of Liability
7.1. WikiJobs, its affiliates, or their respective directors, officers, employees, or agents shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential, special, incidental, punitive, or exemplary damages resulting from or in connection with your use of the Site or Services, even if WikiJobs has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
8. Governing Law 8.1. These Terms are governed and construed in accordance with Pakistani laws, excluding conflicts of law rules.
9. Changes in Terms
9.1 WikiJobs retains the right to amend or revise these Terms at any time and in its sole discretion. Any modifications made to the Site will take effect soon after they are posted. Your continued use of the Site or Services following the posting of modifications to these Terms constitutes your acceptance of those changes.
10. Contact us.
10.1. If you have any queries concerning these terms, the Site, or the services, please email us at info@wikijobs.ai.